If you've flashed firmware that doesn't seem to include the Music Player (but see it as an option), try creating a "music_player" folder on the SD (ext) and pop some tunes in! You can use RTTTL (in TXT format) or FMF (Flipper Music Format) files. ![Music_Player](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57457139/167557437-bb79bdfa-db4c-4964-ac4a-e09cb24f9d71.png) **NOTE: Make sure to put the TXT And FMF files in the root of the music_player folder for them to work!** Otherwise, you can access them through the file browser on later firmwares. TON MORE FILES from [neverfa11ing here](https://github.com/neverfa11ing/FlipperMusicRTTTL)