#!/bin/bash set -Exeuo pipefail print_status() { local level="$1" local body="${2//%/%25}" body="${body//$'\r'/}" body="${body//$'\n'/%0A}" echo "::$level::$body" } SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"; pwd -P)" FIRMWARE_VER="$1" pushd "$(git -C "$SCRIPT_DIR" rev-parse --show-toplevel)" print_status notice "updating to firmware $FIRMWARE_VER" # setup git git config --local user.name $GIT_USER_NAME git config --local user.email $GIT_USER_EMAIL # construct a new version number for the qrcode app VER="$(git tag | sed -E -e '/^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/!d' | sort -V | tail -n1)" if [[ "$VER" =~ ^(v[0-9]+.[0-9]+).([0-9]+)$ ]]; then VER="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}.$(( ${BASH_REMATCH[2]} + 1 ))" else print_status warning "couldn't construct new version number from $VER" exit 1 fi print_status notice "new qrcode version: $VER" # update firmware version in automation sed -i -e "/firmware_version:/s/'.*'/'$FIRMWARE_VER'/" .github/workflows/release.yml # commit and tag git add .github/workflows/release.yml git commit -m "update to firmware $FIRMWARE_VER" git tag -a -m "$VER" "$VER" git tag "firmware-v$FIRMWARE_VER" git push --all popd