## Download Amiibos for quick access or use the script to build your own! NOTE: There are updated files outside of the submodule. [Please download this ZIP file](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper/raw/main/NFC/Amiibo/Amiibo_Files/Amiibo_Files.zip) for them all. ## NFC Toy doc's For more info on NFC toys check out these resources * <a href="https://github.com/V0lk3n/Flipper-Skylanders">Flipper-Skylanders</a> * <a href="https://nfc.toys/interop-sky.html">[NFC Toys] Skylanders Interoperability</a> * <a href="https://nfc.toys/interop-inf.html">[NFC Toys] Disney Infinity Interoperability</a> * <a href="https://nfc.toys/data-giants.html">[NFC Toys] Skylanders Data Analysis</a> * <a href="https://nfc.toys/prac-keys.html">[NFC Toys] Key Generation</a> * <a href="https://nfc.toys/workflow-sky.html">[NFC Toys] Writing Your Own Data to Skylanders</a> * <a href="https://nfc.toys/workflow-inf.html">[NFC Toys] Writing Your Own Data to Disney Infinity</a> * <a href="http://con-mod.com/skylanders-nfc/">[Con Mod] Cloning Skylanders NFC !!! NO HTTPS</a> ## Donation Information Nothing is ever expected for the hoarding of digital files, creations I have made, or the people I may have helped. ## Ordering from Lab401? [USE THIS LINK FOR 5% OFF!](https://lab401.com/r?id=vsmgoc) (Or code `UberGuidoZ` at checkout.) I've had so many asking for me to add this.<br>   **BTC**: `3AWgaL3FxquakP15ZVDxr8q8xVTc5Q75dS`<br> **BCH**: `17nWCvf2YPMZ3F3H1seX8T149Z9E3BMKXk`<br> **ETH**: `0x0f0003fCB0bD9355Ad7B124c30b9F3D860D5E191`<br> **LTC**: `M8Ujk52U27bkm1ksiWUyteL8b3rRQVMke2`<br> **PayPal**: `uberguidoz@gmail.com` So, here it is. All donations of *any* size are humbly appreciated.<br>   Donations will be used for hardware (and maybe caffeine) to further testing!<br>