# The Ultimate Flipper Zero Badusb Collection
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# Before you start!
Join the Discord-Community: https://discord.gg/WWQETvS8Vv
Flipper Related Forum: ----
In order to begin, you ``must read and accept`` the usage agreement. **This project is for educational purposes only**! Please seek permission before running any of the scripts provided by me. I cannot be held responsible for any damage that may occur as a result of your use of these scripts.
If you want to purchase a completely unique and personalized script contact me on discord.
## Installation
1. git clone https://github.com/UNC0V3R3D/Flipper_Zero-BadUsb.git
2. Use the qFlipper app to drag the files into the "BadUsb" folder on your Flipper.
## Usage example
To begin using the scripts, ``please carefully read`` the "readme.md" file provided with each script. This file contains ``important information`` on how to use the script safely. Keep in mind that some scripts may ``potentially harm your system``, so be cautious and do not run unfamiliar scripts on your personal computer. To test scripts, it is recommended to ``use a virtual machine`` for safety.
## Release History
* v1.0
* Released all the files
* v1.1
* CHANGE: More options on storing the grabbed Wifi Passwords (WifiPassStealer.txt)
* Added ``MEMZ.exe script``
* v1.2
* Added ``NoMoreSound.txt`` Script
* v1.3
* A few delay_time errors ``fixed``
* v1.4
* Added a lot of new files to repo
* v1.5
* Added ``DeleteMicrosoftStore.txt`` and fixed link to MEMZ.exe
* v1.6
* Added a bunch of new files
* v1.7 (BIG UPDATE)
* Added ``a lot`` of new files, fixed a few files
* v1.7.1
* Few fixes due to delay errors
* v1.8
* Added ``ChangeWinUsername.txt`` and ``setWinPass.txt``
* v1.9
* Added a bunch of new files
* v2.0
* Added ``DownLoadASCII`` and seperated ``Selfwriting`` Ascii
* Instant-download Ascii is about ``20x faster``
* v2.1
* Added readme files for every script
* Readme files contain ``important info`` about the script
* v2.2
* Added the ``GoodUSB`` folder
* v2.5
* Skipped a few releases
* Added a few files
* Fixed ``SAM exfiltration``
## Usage Agreement
By downloading and using the scripts provided by UNC0V3R3D, you are automatically agreeing to the following usage agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, you are not permitted to download or use the scripts.
1. You acknowledge that UNC0V3R3D ``is not responsible`` for your actions or any damage you may cause as a result of using the scripts.
2. You are ``permitted`` to share all of the files.
3. You are ``allowed`` to modify the files, but are still responsible for your own actions.
4. If you are using my scripts in your own repo, please consider giving credits.
5. You are allowed to do everything the license says...
# Instructions for newbies
In this quick instruction, you are going to learn how to set up the scripts and use them properly.
If you have any questions after reading this instruction, just DM me on Discord (UNC0V3R3D#8662).
## Installation
``` sh
1. Clone/Download the files directly from the repo or download the latest release.
2. Extract the files anywhere you like
3. If you are using a phone, just install the Flipper Zero mobile app.
4. If you are using a PC, just install the qFlipper app: https://flipperzero.one/update
5. Connect your Flipper via Bluetooth if you are using a phone, or connect it via usb if you are on PC.
6. Open qFlipper --> SD Card --> badusb --> Move the files here.
7. Now you are done with moving the files to your Flipper.
## Explanation of the files
Before using the files on your Flipper, it is important to thoroughly understand them. While the majority of the files in my BadUsb repository are relatively harmless, there are some that may potentially cause serious damage. It is important to exercise caution when using these files.