diff --git a/Wifi_DevBoard/ReadMe.md b/Wifi_DevBoard/ReadMe.md
index c87d9b97..a2e064ee 100644
--- a/Wifi_DevBoard/ReadMe.md
+++ b/Wifi_DevBoard/ReadMe.md
@@ -48,8 +48,15 @@ You can connect to Marauder in a handful of ways (make sure qFlipper is CLOSED):
Commands `channel`, `scanap`, `sniffbeacon`, `sniffdeauth`, `sniffpmkid`, `stopscan`, `clearap`, `ssid`, `update`
+## LED info when using Marauder
+Blue is sniffing
+Red is attacking
+## SSID Command
The `ssid` command is to edit the SSID list used for beacon attacks for when when you're running something like `attack -t beacon -l`
You can also use something like `ssid -a -g 4` to randomly generate four SSIDs to the list. (Check it with `list -s` to see them!)
To add an SSID by name, use `ssid -a -n YourSSID` and replace `YourSSID` with the SSID name you would like.
@@ -60,6 +67,7 @@ There is more to play with regarding ssid commands! From [cococode](https://disc
2. list -s
3. select -s (index from list)
4. attack -t beacon -l
+5. attack -t rickroll