diff --git a/Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/FZ_Marauder_v2.4.zip b/Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/FZ_Marauder_v2.4.zip
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae7ba44b
Binary files /dev/null and b/Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/FZ_Marauder_v2.4.zip differ
diff --git a/Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/Flash-v2.4.bat b/Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/Flash-v2.4.bat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1a189f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/Flash-v2.4.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+@echo off
+setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
+echo #########################################
+echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.40 #
+echo # By Frog, tweaked by UberGuidoZ #
+echo # and by ImprovingRigmarole #
+echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan #
+echo #########################################
+:: Basic error checks
+set BR=921600
+for /f "tokens=1" %%A in ('wmic path Win32_SerialPort get DeviceID^,PNPDeviceID^|findstr /i VID_303A') do set "_com=%%A"
+if not [!_com!]==[] echo Attempting to use serial port: !_com! & GOTO CHOOSE_FW
+for /f "tokens=1" %%A in ('wmic path Win32_SerialPort get DeviceID^,PNPDeviceID^|findstr /i VID_10C4') do set "_com=%%A"
+if not [!_com!]==[] echo Attempting to use serial port: !_com! & GOTO WROOM
+echo Cannot find ESP32-S2 DevBoard or WROOM (Marauder)!
+echo For Devboard, make sure to hold BOOT when plugging in USB.
+echo For WROOM, try continuing to hold the boot button through the process.
+echo Otherwise, make sure drivers are installed and USB cable is good.
+echo Drivers: https://www.silabs.com/developers/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers
+echo Which action would you like to perform?
+echo 0. Flash Marauder to Devboard
+echo 1. Flash Marauder to Devboard with SD attached
+echo 2. Update Marauder BIN file (v0.11.0-RC3 included)
+echo 3. Save Flipper Blackmagic WiFi settings
+echo 4. Flash Flipper Blackmagic
+echo 5. Download USB UART Drivers (Silicon Labs).
+set choice_fw=
+set /p choice_fw= Type choice and hit enter:
+if '%choice_fw%'=='0' GOTO MARAUDER
+if '%choice_fw%'=='1' GOTO SD
+if '%choice_fw%'=='2' GOTO UPDATE
+if '%choice_fw%'=='3' GOTO BACKUP
+if '%choice_fw%'=='4' GOTO FLIPPERBM
+if '%choice_fw%'=='5' GOTO DRIVERS
+echo Please choose 1, or 2!
+ping -n 5
+echo #########################################
+echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.40 #
+echo # By Frog, tweaked by UberGuidoZ #
+echo # and by ImprovingRigmarole #
+echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan #
+echo #########################################
+set last_firmware=
+for /f "tokens=1" %%F in ('dir Marauder\esp32_marauder*flipper.bin /b /o-n') do set last_firmware=%%F
+IF [!last_firmware!]==[] echo Please get and copy the last firmware from ESP32Marauder's Github Releases & GOTO ERREXIT
+esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 --before default_reset -a no_reset erase_region 0x9000 0x6000
+echo Firmware Erased, preparing write...
+ping -n 5 > NUL
+esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 --before default_reset -a no_reset write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 4MB 0x1000 Marauder\bootloader.bin 0x8000 Marauder\partitions.bin 0x10000 Marauder\!last_firmware!
+echo #########################################
+echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.40 #
+echo # By Frog, tweaked by UberGuidoZ #
+echo # and by ImprovingRigmarole #
+echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan #
+echo #########################################
+set last_firmware=
+for /f "tokens=1" %%F in ('dir SD\esp32_marauder*flipper_sd_serial.bin /b /o-n') do set last_firmware=%%F
+IF [!last_firmware!]==[] echo Please get and copy the last firmware from ESP32Marauder's Github Releases & GOTO ERREXIT
+esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 --before default_reset -a no_reset erase_region 0x9000 0x6000
+echo Firmware Erased, preparing write...
+ping -n 5 > NUL
+esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 --before default_reset -a no_reset write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 4MB 0x1000 SD\bootloader.bin 0x8000 SD\partitions.bin 0x10000 SD\!last_firmware!
+echo #########################################
+echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.40 #
+echo # By Frog, tweaked by UberGuidoZ #
+echo # and by ImprovingRigmarole #
+echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan #
+echo #########################################
+echo Please download flipper BIN file to Marauder folder, delete any other BIN files, and rerun Flasher..
+echo Press any key to open Marauder download location in default browser...
+start https://github.com/justcallmekoko/ESP32Marauder/releases/latest
+echo #########################################
+echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.40 #
+echo # By Frog, tweaked by UberGuidoZ #
+echo # and by ImprovingRigmarole #
+echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan #
+echo #########################################
+echo Saving Flipper Blackmagic WiFi Settings to "FlipperBlackmagic\nvs.bin"
+esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 -a no_reset read_flash 0x9000 0x6000 FlipperBlackmagic\nvs.bin
+echo #########################################
+echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.40 #
+echo # By Frog, tweaked by UberGuidoZ #
+echo # and by ImprovingRigmarole #
+echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan #
+echo #########################################
+IF EXIST FlipperBlackmagic\nvs.bin (
+ echo Flashing Flipper Blackmagic with WiFi Settings restore
+ esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 --before default_reset -a no_reset write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 4MB 0x1000 FlipperBlackmagic\bootloader.bin 0x8000 FlipperBlackmagic\partition-table.bin 0x9000 FlipperBlackmagic\nvs.bin 0x10000 FlipperBlackmagic\blackmagic.bin
+) ELSE (
+ echo Flashing Flipper Blackmagic without WiFi Settings restore
+ esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 --before default_reset -a no_reset erase_region 0x9000 0x6000
+ echo Firmware Erased, preparing write...
+ ping -n 5 > NUL
+ esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 --before default_reset -a no_reset write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 4MB 0x1000 FlipperBlackmagic\bootloader.bin 0x8000 FlipperBlackmagic\partition-table.bin 0x10000 FlipperBlackmagic\blackmagic.bin
+echo Which action would you like to perform?
+echo 1. Flash Marauder WROOM (including older v4 OEM).
+echo 2. Update Marauder BIN file (v0.10.7 included).
+echo 3. Download USB UART Drivers (Silicon Labs).
+set choice=
+set /p choice= Type choice and hit enter:
+if '%choice%'=='1' GOTO WRMARAUDER
+if '%choice%'=='2' GOTO WRUPDATE
+if '%choice%'=='3' GOTO DRIVERS
+echo Please choose 1, 2, or 3!
+ping -n 5
+echo #########################################
+echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.40 #
+echo # By Frog, tweaked by UberGuidoZ #
+echo # and by ImprovingRigmarole #
+echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan #
+echo #########################################
+set last_firmware=
+for /f "tokens=1" %%F in ('dir WROOM\esp32_marauder*_old_hardware.bin /b /o-n') do set last_firmware=%%F
+IF [!last_firmware!]==[] echo Please get and copy the last firmware from ESP32Marauder's Github Releases & GOTO ERREXIT
+esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32 --before default_reset -a no_reset erase_region 0x9000 0x6000
+echo Firmware Erased, preparing write...
+ping -n 3 > NUL
+esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% --before default_reset -a hard_reset -c esp32 write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 2MB 0x1000 WROOM\bootloader.bin 0x8000 WROOM\partitions.bin 0x10000 WROOM\!last_firmware! 0xE000 WROOM\boot_app.bin
+echo #########################################
+echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.40 #
+echo # By Frog, tweaked by UberGuidoZ #
+echo # and by ImprovingRigmarole #
+echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan #
+echo #########################################
+echo Please download OLD_HARDWARE.BIN file to WROOM folder, delete any other BIN files, and rerun Flasher.
+echo Press any key to open Marauder download location in default browser...
+start https://github.com/justcallmekoko/ESP32Marauder/releases/latest
+echo #########################################
+echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.40 #
+echo # By Frog, tweaked by UberGuidoZ #
+echo # and by ImprovingRigmarole #
+echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan #
+echo #########################################
+echo Please download and install the correct drivers and rerun Flasher.
+echo Press any key to open driver download location in default browser...
+start https://www.silabs.com/developers/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers
+echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+echo Process has completed! Please disconnect your Devboard and connect it to your Flipper Zero.
+echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+echo ==========================================================================
+echo ERRORS ABOVE MAY BE NORMAL - Please ignore them for now and give it a try.
+echo ==========================================================================
+echo (You may now close this window or press any key to exit.)
+echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
+echo Process has completed. Device may reboot to finish the update.
+echo Otherwise, disconnect the device and plug it into your Flipper!
+echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
+echo ==========================================================================
+echo ERRORS ABOVE MAY BE NORMAL - Please ignore them for now and give it a try.
+echo ==========================================================================
+echo (You may now close this window or press any key to exit.)
+echo esptool.exe is missing. Please download and extract the full package.
+echo (You may now close this window or press any key to exit.)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/FZ_Marauder_v2.3.zip b/Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/Old_Versions/FZ_Marauder_v2.3.zip
similarity index 100%
rename from Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/FZ_Marauder_v2.3.zip
rename to Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/Old_Versions/FZ_Marauder_v2.3.zip
diff --git a/Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/Flash-v2.3.bat b/Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/Old_Versions/Flash-v2.3.bat
similarity index 100%
rename from Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/Flash-v2.3.bat
rename to Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/Old_Versions/Flash-v2.3.bat
diff --git a/Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/ReadMe.md b/Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/ReadMe.md
index 04da31cd..4df5d2ed 100644
--- a/Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/ReadMe.md
+++ b/Wifi_DevBoard/FZ_Marauder_Flasher/ReadMe.md
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ Or if you'd rather have a quick rundown of using the Flipper Application, check
* If you choose `Update Marauder` you'll be taken to the Marauder download location to grab a new version.
(Simply download the Flipper BIN file, stick it in the Marauder subfolder by the batch file, and delete the old BIN.)
* If you choose `Save Flipper Blackmagic WiFi settings` your current Blackmagic configuration will be saved.
-* If you choose `Flash Flipper Blackmagic` the script will flash the original Blackmagic firmware it shipped with.
+* If you choose `Flash Flipper Blackmagic` the script will flash the updated v0.1.1 Blackmagic firmware.
-Current Marauder version included in the ZIP: v0.10.7.20230609 (current release as of June 9, 2023)
+Current Marauder version included in the ZIP: v0.11.0-RC3-20230727 (current release as of July 27, 2023)
**Once the install has completed, [head over here](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper/tree/main/Wifi_DevBoard#marauder-install-information) to learn more about what Marauder can do!**