diff --git a/Sub-GHz/Restaurant Pagers/ReadMe.md b/Sub-GHz/Restaurant Pagers/ReadMe.md
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+++ b/Sub-GHz/Restaurant Pagers/ReadMe.md
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+# flipperzero-lrs-pagers
+FlipperZero Brute force of LRS Pager System from [JimiLinuxGuy](https://github.com/jimilinuxguy/flipperzero-lrs-pagers)
+This should brute force all resturaunt IDs and pager ids and alert/beep each one for 30s.
+Verified that this works at Chilis.
+Officially supported frequencies are 300-348 MHz, 387-464 MHz, and 779-928 MHz (from [CC1101 chip docs](https://www.ti.com/product/CC1101))
+Unofficially supported frequencies are 281-361 MHz, 378-481 MHz, and 749-962 MHz (from [YARD Stick One](https://greatscottgadgets.com/yardstickone/) docs)
+**NOTE: Going outside the supported frequencies may DAMAGE YOUR FLIPPER.
+Please understand what you're doing if trying to break out of official frequencies.**
+You'll need to edit some code and recompile if you want to break outside the officially supported frequencies. ([Hint here...](https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/pull/1287/files))
+Referenced Work:
+* [LRS Paging Systems](https://paging-systems.readme.io/v1.2/docs/am-page-modes)
+* [Mayhem Portapack Firmware](https://github.com/eried/portapack-mayhem/blob/next/firmware/application/apps/ui_coasterp.cpp)
+* [Tony-Tiger - Hacking Restaurant Pagers with HackRF](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycLLb4eVZpI)