Neil Hanlon 3917bfd364
Completely restructure into single-playbooks for AIO and Distributed
* Tested only on distributed at this check-in
* Also **temporarily** installing `patch` on the infra hosts, needed for
  an os_nova patch that will ultimately be removed. It isn't clear from
  this patch though, because the file init-nodes.yml which installs
  packages was renamed to tasks/init-nodes.yml.
* There are some drawbacks to doing it this way, but the playbooks are
  serving a single purpose and don't need to be catch-all infra tooling
2022-02-12 16:36:34 -05:00

58 lines
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# Installs everything on hosts
- name: Bootstrap nodes for distributed OSA installation
hosts: "{{ host | default('infra1,compute1,storage1') }}"
become: true
- import_tasks: handlers/main.yml
- name: Check if ansible cannot be run here
path: /etc/no-ansible
register: no_ansible
- name: Verify if we can run ansible
- "not no_ansible.stat.exists"
success_msg: "We are able to run on this node"
fail_msg: "/etc/no-ansible exists - skipping run on this node"
- name: Loading Variables from OS Common
import_tasks: tasks/common_vars.yml
- name: Initialize nodes
include_tasks: tasks/init-nodes.yml
- name: Reboot
include_tasks: tasks/reboot.yml
- name: Setup infra hosts
include_tasks: tasks/infra-host.yml
when: tag.find("infra") != -1 # when on an infra tagged host
- name: Setup storage hosts
include_tasks: tasks/storage-host.yml
when: tag.find("storage") != -1 # when on an infra tagged host
- name: Copy key to others
user: root
state: present
key: "{{ lookup('file', 'files/buffer/') }}"
when: tag.find("infra") == -1 and sshkey_fetch
tags: sshkey
- name: Touching run file that ansible has ran here
path: /var/log/
state: touch
mode: '0644'
owner: root
group: root